1. Membership Tiers and Pricing:
- Signature Tier: One (1) 60-minute session per month. Monthly fee: $95
- Preferred Tier: One (1) 90-minute session per month. Monthly fee: $139.
- Premier Tier: One (1) 120-minute session per month. Monthly fee: $179.
2. Membership Benefits:
- Session Inclusions: All massage, bodywork, or energetic therapies are included.
- Additional Sessions: Members may purchase an unlimited number of sessions at the exclusive member rate.
- Product and Supplement Discounts: 15% off all retail products and supplements.
- Wellness Evaluation Discount: 25% off an initial wellness evaluation with Healone Health.
- Birthday Month Complimentary Session: One (1) complimentary massage, bodywork, or energetic therapy session during the member's birthday month.
- Rollover Sessions: Unused monthly sessions will roll over and accumulate indefinitely while the membership remains active.
- Session Transferability: After six (6) consecutive months of active membership, accumulated sessions may be transferred to another individual.
3. Guest Privileges:
- Members may bring a guest to receive massage, bodywork, or energetic therapy services at the member rate.
- Guest privileges are limited to two (2) visits within a six (6) month period. This includes gift cards purchased at member pricing.
4. Gift Card Purchases:
- Members may purchase an unlimited number of gift cards at member pricing.
5. Referral Rewards Program:
- Members may participate in the referral rewards program to earn discounts on additional sessions purchased after the membership has been paid.
6. Membership Terms:
- No Contract: This is a month-to-month membership with no long-term contract.
- Cancellation: Members may cancel their membership at any time without a cancellation fee.
- Active Membership: All membership benefits are available only to active members in good standing.
- Non-Transferable: Memberships are non-transferable to another person, except for accrued sessions after the 6-month period.
- Non-Refundable: Membership fees are non-refundable.
7. Membership Freeze:
- Members may freeze their membership for a minimum of one (1) month and a maximum of three (3) consecutive months.
- Memberships may be frozen a maximum of two (2) times within a twelve (12) month period.
- A minimum of one (1) monthly payment must have been processed before a member is eligible to freeze their membership.
- Members must wait 30 days after unfreezing their account before they can refreeze their account.
- During a freeze, members will not accrue new monthly sessions and will not be eligible for any membership benefits, including guest privileges, gift card purchases, or retail discounts.
- Accrued sessions will remain on the account during the freeze.
8. Appointment Policies:
- 24-Hour Cancellation Notice: A minimum of 24 hours advance notice is required for any appointment cancellation or rescheduling. Failure to provide adequate notice will result in a $65 cancellation fee.
- Late Arrivals: Late arrivals may result in a shortened session to avoid impacting other clients.
- Right to refuse service: We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for inappropriate behavior.
9. Client Responsibilities:
- Updated Information: Members are responsible for promptly notifying HealOne Body of any changes to their contact information, address, or credit card details.
- Health Information: Members are responsible for providing accurate and complete health information to their massage, bodywork, or energetic therapy practitioner.
10. Minor Policies:
- Age Restriction: Individuals under the age of 18 will not receive massage, bodywork, or energetic therapy services without the express consent of a parent or legal guardian.
- Children Under 15: Where required by state law, a parent or legal guardian must remain in the treatment room during the service.
- All Minors: For all minor children, a parent or legal guardian must remain on the premises during the service.
11. Liability and Disclaimer:
- Massage, bodywork, and energetic therapy are provided for relaxation, stress relief, and wellness. They are not a substitute for medical treatment.
- HealOne Body is not liable for any injuries or damages resulting from massage, bodywork, or energetic therapy, except in cases of gross negligence.
- These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
12. Governing Law:
- These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona.
13. Contact Information:
- For any questions or concerns regarding this membership program, please contact HealOne Body at (480)876-6656 or hello@healonebody.com.